The academy is built on the bedrock of experience, active application of permaculture principles for more than 25 years and the human and social network that has grown up around that. These are the people who we have worked most productively with in recent years and are our front line trainers for the Academy.
Steven Jones Director Paul Ogola, PermoAfrica Homa Bay Rose Nibagwire, Rwandan Women’s Permaculture Training team, Adjumani Team Kumi 2020 Andrew Kalema and team bamboo Ali Tebandeke, ambassador Our Mama Hellen Godfrey Opolot, teacher Zainab, Budumba project leader Karoora Enock, mentor Connie and Angharad, teachers Grace, horticulture Clovis Ntafakabiri
trainer and team leaderGerald Jagwe with Ireene Aturende
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