17th February 2025

Aramadhan Mutebi

Aramadham is a 2017 S39 PDC graduate. He attended the 2018 East Africa Permaculture Convergence and has been a key figure in many projects and initiatives local to him and an active member of the S39 team.

Aramahan is reaching and supporting some of the most hard to reach and vulnerable groups of people. He is a great teacher, team member and community leader and has shown his consistency over several years. His work is documented at https://permaculture-for-sustainable-households.weebly.com/

At this moment he is asking for your help.

Meet Ramadhan talking about his latest work, helping communities meet the challenge of Covid19

People are losing morale of working on their land and we need to find ways to inspire and help people to develop kitchen gardens close to their homes.

Aramadhan Mutebi

Aramadhan has a Gofundme page, which we used before, so I added an update to keep it simple. Money reaching this project will save lives.
