10th February 2025

Rose Nibagwire

Zainab Nandi, Theodore Mulumroherhua with Rose at Save School, Rwanda

Rose is a permaculture teacher and designer, a grower and positive force for change in her community. She is coordinating the Sector39 design for the landscape of the school at Save, in the southern province of Rwanda. We hope to create a learning node, via demonstration and training that will put Save School on the international map.

Following the deeply shocking events that built up to and resulted in the horrific genocide in Rwanda in 1994 the country is slowly re-inventing itself, building a unified vision for the land of a 1000 hills. Permaculture and increased food and resource security has much to contribute to this process.

permaculture, rose nibagmire, sector39,
Rose teaching from her forest garden plot, it is stacked full of medicinal herbs, animal fodder, maize, avocado, guava, and banana.