My permacultre farm is called kakayando organic farm which is a community based farm ,the farm was started in 2017 after seeing that the young youths were wasting most of their time without work to do, we started with a small farm but know the farm is expanding and we are having poultry keeping and rabbits production we have got an aim of helping members of the community mostly youths to know more about permacultre.

Homa Bay area Kenya, is one of the regions where there has been a lot of interest in Permaculture. Not least because of the incredible work of Paul Ogola, who has been a significant pioneer in the region. He trained with Sector39 in 2016 and has since participated in several m ore of our courseĀ as well as developing his own regional training centre, PermoAfrica.
It makes sense strategically to develop links with the area, as there are already so much momentum there which could be built on. Hence we are keen to network with people such as Felix here, who has been interacting with the project over social media for months, keen to share his work and enthusiasm and to learn from others. This is precisely what the academy is about.
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