10th February 2025

Insect farming at PermoAfrica

PermoAfrica training centre together with Sector39, supported by Arkleton trust and private donors is continually new ground.Paul has built this centre out of nothing since 2016, after completing training with Sector39 in Kamuli Uganda earlier that year.


Video presentation on farmin insects at PermoAfrica

More progress and another diversification of the training schedule at PermoAfrica. With the power system upgraded trainer Paul is continuing the on-going training program for Homa Bay region. This time exploring the potentials of multiplying insects as food for fish and chickens.

Sector39, supported by Arkleton trust is supporting the development of this powerful demonstration and training hub in Homa bay county, Kenya.

Fish farm , water circulation system

Electric system upgrade is also powering the pumps and filters for a fhish farm

ON going work at Kalamanjong