10th February 2025

Kumi update

Site report on progress at Kumi Happy Home, site preparation.

[19:25, 5/16/2020] Godfrey Kumi PDC17:

Concerning the issue of our priorities you needed to know by yesterday, are as follows.

Obtaining a yield is one of  the 12 principles in permaculture.
Our nursery bed looking nice as the tomatoes and onions seedlings sprout getting ready for transplanting.

Designing a mandala garden with one of my colleagues was such an interesting thing.

Catching and Storing energy in the soil is a very vital principle in permaculture which connects to obtaining a yield principle for sustainable food production for man.

EUPO members today were enjoying as they share knowledge during the turning of the compost heaps.

What an exciting moment as  EUPO members pause for a picture after successfully turning the compost today.

Monitoring and tweaking is key in permaculture as Hellen is softening the soils for the tomatoes and onions seedlings at the bed today.

Soil building is key practice in permaculture. Composting is also one of the key activities that must be continuously practiced in soil building.

The team today started off with another compost heap so as to rebuild the lost topsoil at the site.

These are our current goals for the site development:

  1. Site mapping designing and bush clearing.
  2. Landscaping – swaling and trench excavation.
  3. Nursery beds construction.
  4. Raised garden digging.
  5. Acquire cow dung manure.
  6.  Turning of compost.
  7. Making of liquid manure.
  8. Designing of herbal garden.
  9. Designing of a spice garden.
  10. Vetiver planting.
  11.  Planting of fruit guild.
  12. Designing of sack mound and veranda gardens.
  13. Eco toilet construction.
  14. Local greenhouse construction.
  15. Chicken tractor construction.
  16. PDC training in September being very key.

Issue of whether the garden is to support the EUPO team and sector 39 trainers.

The answer is NO. The garden is to support directly Happy Home.


On the issue of what we are growing includes:

  1. Fruit trees.
  2. Timber, fodder and nitrogen fixing trees.
  3. Napia grass
  4. Vegetables
  5. Spices and herbal plants.
  6. Multiplication of Vetiver grass.
  7. ETC.

What we are doing currently is:

1.We are preparing Permaculture design garden ready for PDC demonstration and trainings.

2.To set up a sustainable food supply and Eco-tourism centre.

3. Designing a well-integrated cooperative centre.

Key information to the funders:

1.We are grateful for your support.

2. We also encourage you Steve to continue lobbying for support of Sector39 and EUPO for continuous trainings.

Finally tell the funders that we greatly appreciate their support and we love them so much.