Session 15 will be on April 11th 2023
Meeting ID: 848 8472 4089
Academy class room open
16.30 – 19.30 BST
18.30-20.30 EAT
+2 hours Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia
+1 hours Rwanda
It is UK summer time now, and that means the clocks changed by plus one hour.
So the start time in Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia is now 6.30 PM and will be for the remainder of the PDC
Header picture, from Talent Agro-forestry farm. IPM in action, a Preying Mantis feasting on a beetle that was previously eating this oysternut vine.
Presentations wk 15
Session 15: Integrate
The full video o the 3 hour session is on the YouTube Live stream
Sorry I failed to reord the full session here
Food forest, Nicholas Orwa
More resources
Syntropic agroforestry, Ethiopia
Tesfahun Fitamo has the drive and ambition to pioneer permaculture design in his home country of Ethiopia. Recently he attended training in syntropic agroforestry. this mean building forest systems that are highly productive and also copy the patterns of nature.
This video will completely change the way you think about pests, pest attack and priorities for growers and farmers.
Healthy soils build healthy plants, and helathy plants are resistant to pest attack.
Welcome to the soil food web
Dr Elaine Ingrams is a pioneer popularising soil science to growers around the world. Once you have understood and mastered the ideas and techniques she is teaching, you will build very healthy soils successfully.
A permaculture design from Ireland
We can all learn and be inspired by each other, and is the short story of 4 acres of scrub land in County Wicklow Ireland turned into an organic permaculture centre.
See the transformation through the eyes of the designers. Think of the step by step approach they have used to build an integrated design.
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