10th February 2025

PDC-23-16 Integrated systmes — Aquaculture, syntropic agro-forestry

Integrated systems - Aquaculture

PDC part 16 will be on April 18th

We are conpleting term II if the PDC this week

Term III will focus on your deisgn work, and your feedback from your own experienes.

Register for Zoom here

Meeting ID: 848 8472 4089
Academy class room open
16.30 – 19.30 BST
18.30-20.30 EAT
+2 hours Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia
+1 hours Rwanda

Live stream on YouTube

It is UK summer time now, and that means the clocks changed by plus one hour.

So the start time in Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia is now 6.30 PM and will be for the remainder of the PDC


An introduction to Aquaponics

Aquaculture systems, how they work what they look like.

Aquaponics – a word of warning

The more parts there are to a system, the mosr potential there is break down. Blockages, leaks, evaporation, power cuts, drought, there are many things that can go wrong

Fall armyworm (FAW), an agricultural pest native to the Americas, was first detected on the African continent in 2016 and has since spread across Africa and Asia. FAW feeds on over 350 plant species but prefers maize and other staples, and hence potentially threatens the incomes and food security of millions of smallholder farmers. However, CIFOR-ICRAF’s research shows that FAW impact is not as serious as was initially anticipated.

Geoff Lawton talks about the use of chinampas and water management at Zaytuna farm in Australia

Andrew Milson has developed his own style of teaching with is beautiful dynamic illustrations. Here he is exploring the world of permaculture and ponds

Andrew Milson visits Mexico city to see the original chinampas systems, that have been copied around the world. Tis is a system for cultivating wetlands in a sensite and interconnected way.

Here our friend Tesfahun, in Ethiopia introduces us to his syntropic agro-forestry permaculture system. He has integrated many functions together to grow a robust and strong eco-system, with many elements each that will be mutually supporting