Permaculture is how we fix this mess
Challenges are all around us, both local and global, however adressing these problems might be our greatest opportunity also. Whether you are concerned about global issues like climate change and deforestation, our fractured society and the rise of refugees or local issues around food security and livelihood, permaculture has many practical insights and ideas to offer.
As part of the build up to our 2023 PDC, I am recording a series of videos to serve as a warm up for both myself and those interested in the course. We are trying a totally new format this time around as we want to be able to reach as many people as we can, and feel the world has moved on since the pandemic and we have to be much more willing to use on-line learning teachniques, mixed with the more traditional approaches.
Permaculture design offers us the possibility of more joined together thinking and co-ordinated action, i think our best hopes lie in these area.
In this first video lead tutor Steve Jones, thats me, talks about some the key ideas and inspirations behind the course and invites you to take part.
A few thoughts on mycelium
Fungi hold our world together and transform dead matter back into living things. This gives us a huge insight into how we might work with mature much more effectively. We reference the work of Mycologist Paul Stamets, among others who has been a huge inspiration over the years, through his work on mycelium.
Nov 30th PDC trail, what is it all about? Here is an introduction
Dec 5th How much should we worry about climate change? What can permaculture offer?
This is video is slightly longer at 36 mins and explores the bigger picture behind permaculture.
Yes we need to change the world in response to these huge challenges we face, such as climate and ecological breakdown, but as individuals and small groups we can only respond to these huge themes by local action that also help us build our own resilience. Who knows exactly how these local actions may combine together to create much more significant hcange on a global scale.
In the video Steve talks at the Paris Agreement, and its targets and answers questions such as who is the IPCC, should they be trusted, what are the COP summits and the targets the world leaders agreed to aim for.

Learning from patterns in nature, an insight into permaculture design.
Here is a taster lecture on the theme of learning from nature’s patterns, something that is cetral to permaculture thinking. If these ideas are exciting and interesting to you, then you really need to get involved in permaculture! And also your contribution is needed in this growing and dyamic community.
I am using this build up period for the PDC to practice and develop these presentations, updating them too, whilst also trying to get to grips with YouTube etc.
A 6-minute introduction
MA Spirituality and ecology lecture
Permaculture, Sector39 and an Invitation to Collaboration
PDC timetable

Outline timetable, dates, themes and lectures

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