A human cell at the highest magnification yet achieved. Fascinating to see the structures within it, organells, so many interest and also familiar patterns. Pause for a moment to think about the complexity of one cell, and then realise how many form even a single individual. Each one of these structures contributes to the overall functioning of the cell.
Thinking about people systems and patterns of behaviour
The key to unlock the door to create change is people power. Some even try to tell us that population is a problem, that there are too many of us, when it is actually how we behave that matters. And if the global population could operate somehow collectively in a regenerative way, then ewe set a tidal wave of energy in motion across the planet to restore and, whilst we evolve an economic paradigm that accelerates this process.
Because in many ways people are the cause of the problem, people are also at the heart of the solution.
21st energy systems are also integrated together, sharing the load and balancing out peak and troughs in energy demand. This video from Greenpeace, is a little dated now, but is still way ahead of where we are currently at in UK. This is a fascinating insight into what is possible
A food forest is an integrated system. Here is a wonderful example and story from India.
Take a look with us how permaculture farming is growing rapidly in India. Manisha Lath Gupta, who was an executive vice president in a private bank, decided to grow a healthy food for herself and her family in 2011. The bought a barren piece of land, devoid of any vegetation and without top soil. It took the couple 7 years, but at the end she and her husband created a food forest called Aanandaa or tranquility, using principles of permaculture. Aanandaa farm is located on the base of Morni hills, about an hour’s drive from Chandigarh. What was a barren piece of land seven years ago is now a food forest with more than 4,500 trees.
Today's recorded lectures
Rogers Wasibi from Mount Elgon Coffee and Honey Co-operative joined us today to talk about their work establishing tree guilds, which include coffee as a way to remediate damaged landscapes. He also talks about the social outreach programs surrounding the project.
Talk on co-operation and the principles of co-operation and their origins