Wales is a world leading nation, with the well being of future generation act.
Unique in the world, and it requires us all to think differently.
Any policy or development decisions must be referred to the 7 interconnecting goals of the act.
- A prosperous Wales
- A resilient Wales
- Healthier Wales
- A more equal Wales
- Cohesive communities
- A vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language
- Globally responsible Wales
A common national purpose – policies and decisions must have:
- Positive and long term impact for the future
- Understand how any decision will impact on the goals on the goals
- Must involve a full cross section of the community
- Collaborate to find common solutions
- Actively avoid problems developing or getting worse

Slow and steady responses to global climate crisis
Story of the evolution of a community garden into a much larger community growing scheme, Newtown Wales 2010-2015. We used the impetus from a PDC to generate ideas and momentum that in turn help create a community garden.
D9 sessions recordings
We were cut short by a hail storm and the interent going off. There is most of the lecture there however. Following on from this we began talking about our desgin tasks. We have split into two teams to explore how we can create morning permaculture learning opportunities at the farm and how we can link them to the academy.
The evening sessions was an exploration of using democratic processes as well as direct action to press for change towards the regenerative economy we so despearately need. We welxome Michael from XR Oswestry who gave a presentation and led the debate afterwards