10th February 2025

PDC day 10: Valuing diversity

Key Lecture, economic systems: what is money?

Some examples of past design presentations

Here is a lovely design presentation from a course some years ago, envisioning a sub-urban garden make over in Llandrindod Wells. None of the design team members were the owners of the house, which gave them a fresh perspective, but also meant they needed to tease out their clients needs and preferences.

A visit to Wakelyns agro forest research farm in Suffolk

Visit to a diversified small holding in Eastern Uganda

Organic horticulture demonstration and learning centre, Newtown, Wales 2015. Three years into the project and just as seed funding expired.

Community orchard project, we have been slowly diversifying what was a plain field of pasture into a mixed diverse food forest, working with our community, schools and permaculture students

Day 10 lectures

Here is a nice example of a group using the SADIMET design process to kick start the vision for a community garden

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