10th February 2025

PDC day 11: principle 10

Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Diversity gives us strength

An introduction to Dr Vandana Shiva

A leading voice for bio-diversity and seed freedom

Join Seed Freedom online: Website – http://seedfreedom.info Twitter – https://twitter.com/occupytheseed Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/savetheseed YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/occupythe…

An episode from a great series of videos from Oregon State University in which all 12 principles are fitted into a landscape design. A handy overview to help you think about how all these different ideas might slot together.

The water treatment with natural methods session was squeezed out of the timetable, so this might serve as an intro to the subject of small scale grey water treatment.

I had to post this, Morven attended the 2020 winter PDC at Dragons. She is a creative soul, professional musician who has discovered a deep desire to re-connect with the earth, the soil, the human family.

I delivered this talk in Manchester in 2018 i think, for Olly Boon’s Roots project. It is a concise overview of permaculture for those who maybe are not familiar with it.

A nice overview from Geoff, drawing ideas together. Think about how you can use these ideas in your design project.

For a 7-month period a team of permaculture trainers from Sector39 worked with South Sudanese refugees in the refugee settlement areas in Northern Uganda. We trialed many ideas and the most effective were the ones which people could adapt and make their own. People were skeptical that our energy efficient stove would take off, it did take a little while but by our final evaluation visit they were popping up everywhere. Mainly pictures of versions of the stove with other scene settings pictures as well to give context.

House music from South Africa, live in Paris. We are one family, homo sapiens, one race — the human race, sharing a single eco-system called planet Earth. Welcome aboard! #BLM

Can Africa leap frog the west by empracing crypto-currency? (first story)