10th February 2025

PDC day 4: principle 3

L5. Principle 3: Obtain a yield


Yields, income and produce
"You can't work on an empty stomach"

We all require energy to sustain ourselves and to generate an income. Permaculture encourages us to develop short-term, medium-term and long-term yields. This can take teamwork and planning but we can still start right away. Notice how the vegetable in the icon picture has a bite taken out of it.

This module #5 contains

  • Short video: Land restoration in Zimbabwe
  • Short video: Vetiver, Green Tech for 21st century
  • Short video; Ron Finlay Gangsta gardener
  • Short video (part of longer series) Sepp Holzer – farming with nature
  • Download: L5.1 Chikukwa permaculture, Zimbabwe
  • Download: L5.2 Obtain a yield
  • 4 audio files available in both download or streaming format. Each approx 25 mins.

Yields come in many forms, some take many years to develop others are almost instant. Stability and sustainability comes from having a mix of short, medium and long term.

  • Yields also need to reach, benefit and nourish every part of the system.
  • Not every yield is apparent, learn to value every output of your system

To download file: click button then right click on the audio file and select download

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