10th February 2025

PDC23-21 Edges and margins

Session 21, Edges and margins. Refugees

PDC part 21 will be on May 23rd

Notes for the coming session, this page will be live on May 24th

Register for Zoom here

Meeting ID: 848 8472 4089
Academy class room open
16.30 – 19.30 BST
18.30-20.30 EAT
+2 hours Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia
+1 hours Rwanda

Live stream on YouTube

It is UK Summer time now, and that means the clocks changed by plus one hour.

So the start time in Uganda/ Kenya/ Ethiopia is now 6.30 PM and will be for the remainder of the PDC

Slides from this week’s lecture

S39 produced this training manual for teachers in 2019 after working on the NRC/ UNHCR permaculture for food and livelihood project in 2018.

Additional resources

Did you know that testing the sap density of plants can lead to a better understanding of  healthier soil and better quality of soil life? Matthew from GRFFN is doing just that, using a refractometer to reveal the  BRIX value to measure the quality of kale and soil. The higher the BRIX value, the better the plant and soil quality and an indicator of good farming practices

With the help of farmers worldwide, GRFFN is building a dataset to test their ideas on improving soil quality and promoting sustainable agriculture.There are opportunities for our learners to join in with this research.

These short videos show the use of the refractormeter tool, and an explanation of what can be learned from that.

Message to TAPA members

Reaching out to the TESO practitioners who have not been able to access the online learning.

Let us talk about how we can work together through a mutual learning network

‘Voices from the Margins: Youth activist Laura, from Uganda.

We requested Laura to make a short video communicating her message and concerns for the climate. She calls for action and thoughtful, considered responses from us all. Laura represents the youth whose very future is being called into question by the inactions of the older generations.

She is confronted by the absolute failure of politics and commerce to change and evolve in light of this new information. The saying for Principle 11 is, “Don’t think you are on the right track just because it is a well-beaten path.”

Where is the leadership she calls for going to come from, if not from the top?

Thank you Laura, you represent the hopes and dreams of future generations.

Can we build a project vision?

  1. Financial support: Organizations can apply for up to 45,000 USD in funding to test and implement ideas with strong community-approaches that generate value for community members, not specifically linked to any thematic area or technology.
  2. Programme and project management support: Grantees will receive assistance from UNHCR and experts to help build their capacity to design and implement programmes effectively.
  3. Technical support, expertise, and coaching: Needs-based specialist advice will be offered, on topics ranging from technology to legal support and innovation methodologies.
  4. Peer-to-peer networking: Supported organizations will be encouraged to engage with each other, share experiences, learn from each other, and explore partnerships.
  5. Other support based on project needs: This could include organizational support, help with project sustainability and scale, training on specific topics, business model advice, and media and communications support.

The Refugee-led Innovation Fund is currently open to applications from refugee-led organizations in all countries. Applications close 30 June 2023 at 23:59

Our Approach

To achieve its objectives, the Fund has adopted the following approach:

  • Support forcibly displaced people to identify challenges and opportunities, and develop solutions that can have lasting impact within their communities.
  • Provide a holistic support mechanism tailored to their requests, including financial support, mentorship and technical expertise across the innovation lifecycle.
  • Connect disjointed, localized innovation by facilitating peer support, learning and sharing
  • Build evidence that proves the power of initiatives developed by forcibly displaced people, and use this to overcome barriers that prevent them from accessing resources.

Observations on edges

Practical session on PDC23-21 @PermoAfrica