22nd January 2025

Permaculture community leaders meeting

permoafrica meetig
Today a very wonderful productive community Permaculture farmer’s leaders meeting at community Permaculture project center.
We discussed the 2021 milestone, it was very interesting to hear from each village leaders how they progress with permaculture farming knowledge they acquired, and we end with promising agenda that as from next year each village will enrolled one New village for the expansion of the community permaculture project work to afar distance villages.

You sent

i would love to hear more of this feedback Paul.. how many villages attended?
how many people.. what were the main positives people reported?
and the biggest challenge?
Well done Paul sounds like a positive event
Paul replied to you
1.how many villages attended? …15village representative did attend
2.how many people.. 15 leaders while 7 absent with apology
3.what were the main positives people reported?.. through permaculture people that’s the farmers,they were Self sustainable and through permaculture the village’s were economically stable interms of fresh organic food
4.and the biggest challenge? ..water is the biggest problems that’s hindered their farming work and more training is needed in all now 15 villages
trainees at PermoAfrica