17th February 2025

PermoAfrica training hub

A Wales - Kenya Permaculture partnership

Fantastic to see so much progress and PermoAfrica. After a difficult period of illness, malaria and covid restrictions it is fantastic to see work progressing there again.

Wales based Sector39 have been working closely with Paul Ogola from Homa Bay Kenya since 2016 and more recently this have developed into stronger partnership.  With some funding support from the Arkleton Trust in the UK we have been able to develop a more ambitious program. As well as outreach work into surrounding communities, PermoAfrica have been hosting groups for training and new topics available include seed saving and aquaponic systems.

Recent training at PermoAfrica

S39 PermoAfrica training
Trainees at PermoAfrica July 2021

Introduction to practical seed saving

Seeds are hard to obtain and expensive in most of East Africa, with mainly hybridized varieties. Saving some seed for home gardens is a major step forward and an area of this work we have wanted to spend more time on once the opportunity arises. Saving local seeds from the strongest, healthiest plants creates the opportunity for adaptive improving of the seeds and making them more adapted to the local conditions.

Aquaponics and small scale fish farming