10th February 2025

Soil Masterclass

soil food web

Dr Elaine Ingram brings soil to life

Every student of permaculture will gain deep insight into the biology of soil through this essential lecture from Dr Ingrams.
Steven Jones
Lead tutor s39

Essential watching

Dr. Elaine Ingham presents her soil science for beginners masterclass. She covers what the soil food web is, how plants benefit from a healthy soil food web, and how you can change the food web in the soil for your benefit.

Understanding the nature of our living soil is the key and Dr Ingram really brings this subject to life. It is revealing to be reminded that the ground breaking study of 1986 that offered a much deeper unerstanding of the inter-relationships of soil organisms.

Life, compost, part three of this lecture. In this section she makes us much more aware of the behaviours and interactions between different the different soil organisms. Compost teas, biology of extracts and using microbes for fixing problems.

Part 4: Looking at the data, test results from compost tea applications. Multiplying the soil biology as a strategy.

As we marry permaculture and soil biology undestanding togther, this is a dynamic duo that we can really do a great job of converting everyone on the planet!
soil food web
Dr Elaine Ingrams
microbiologist and soil biology researcher and founder of Soil Foodweb

The Origins of Compost with world-renowned soil and compost expert Dr. Elaine Ingham – Get the backstory on ALL Compost from one of the original researchers in the field!!

When the right microbial balance is in the soil plants don’t suffer from pest diseases and weed competition. Dr Ingram brings these ideas alive in this short video charting the main course of her research.