Training the next generation of permaculture pioneers
My goal is to eradicate food poverty in Homa Bay county, Kenya
Paul Odiwour Ogola
Permaculture designer and trainer
For the next 20 months S39 and PermoAfrica are teaming up to develop a permacutlure teacher training and diploma program. This is the beginning of what could be an exciting collaboration with some far reaching outcomes.
Here is a short audio clip from Steve introducing the project.
Background on the PermoAfrica story, since completing training with Sector39 in 2016 Paul Ogola has gone on to be highly effective permaculture pioneer in is community of Homa Bay county. He has trained over 500 farmers and built a network of 30 villages, all with an active interest in permaculture.
S39 are partnering with PermoAfrica over the next 20 months to develop an internship program for teacher training/ permaculture pioneer development.
Within 2 years our aims include:
- Support 12 trainers to Permaculture Diploma level
- Run an active internship program
- Create many more opportunities for permaculture training
- PermoAfrica/ Homa bay permacutlure intends to connect with 30 more villages
- Creating opportunities for career development for practitioners as well directly addressing food poverty in the region
- Deliver a series of PDC’, the first led by Steve Jones and Angharad Rees from ector39 Wales as a teacher training event.