4th December 2024

Trainee Feedback from Homa Bay

PermoAfrica training centre

Geoffrey applying his learning back in his community of Kakoth village in Siaya county

In September Paul Ogola, lead tutor at PermoAfrica trained a group of 6 students for six days in an introduction to permaculture course.

The training was delivered with some financial support by Arkleton Trust in UK and training support from Sector39 from Wales, however this is an African led permaculture training centre, reaching out successfully across the surrounding community.

We are all really excited by the training model we are creating

In Paul’s words

“Hello team am very excited to see my permaculture student from Siaya county progressing after I  him, as part of a group of six on introduction to permaculture, from principles 1-6.

Geoffrey is really expanding widely in the whole of his village see the bellow was his work after training in September.”

Exit talk from Paul to participants

We will be following the progress fo these six, the best of which we will invited to join us for a training of Trainers PDC in Feb/ March.